Gray Fossil Site

Geologic Features

The largest of the remaining dolomite blocks


Closeup of underlying clay and breccia.   Coarse-grained calcite block.
The black clay-filled seam has a substantial offset,
probable sense is up to the left. Approximately
one fourth natural size
  Clay-filled clastic dike, here cutting one of
the cemented beds. Approximately one half
natural size.


Jeff Munsey examines a discontinuity in the layered gray clays,
south slope of the Fulkerson cut. Photo Dr. Robert Hatcher.

Freshly graded exposure in the dark bedded clay. View is looking north along the eastern
edge of the Route 75 cut. Markings (right) outline a synclinal fold, plunging to the east.


Above: Closeup of freshly graded surface,
approximately 1/3 natural size. Lower left; wood.
Upper middle; bone.

Right: Closeup of planed surface, near natural size.
Upper bone is probable crocodilian.


In June 2010, excavations for an annex on the south side of the museum encountered apparent low-angle thrust fault relationships in gray massive and layered clays.

View looking towards the south in the new excavation

Closer view of exposure, hammer for scale.

Note downward-truncated layers, suggestive of displacements on the order of meters. Immediately to the west, sediment layers exposed in a horizontal surface were seen to be bent into an anticline.

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